Meadow by P.S. has a primary goal of providing access to art and design education to community members lacking cultural, financial, and social capital.  Its secondary purpose will be to serve as a community center for children, adults and families affected by poverty and addiction.



  1. Provide free and low cost art & design classes to children and adults

  • Offer an after-school drop in program that provides tutoring, peer support, and community dinners from Monday-Friday, year round

  • Offer free art and low cost art and design workshops for children living, ages 3-18 using a sliding scale fee structure

  • Offer free and low cost classes to parents such as GED prep, healthy cooking, accessing  quality healthcare, financial literacy, ESL

2. Create a self-sustaining community center

  • Sell pieces created at Meadow through the design store Persephone’s Spring

  • Accept furniture donations to sell

  • Offer full price art and design workshops and membership to Meadow

  • Create a public/private  partnership with the community district office to lower overhead costs such as rent by creating public/private partnership

Summary: Meadow will offer free and low cost art, design, and wellness based programming to members of the community, in addition to a robust after school program for children and their families.  Each learning module taught at Meadow—by local artists, designers, and activists—will culminate in tangible art and design goods which we will sell out of our design showroom. All proceeds will be funneled directly back into the community through scholarships and enrichment experiences.